Well to be honest, no one asks me questions about me. But I think it would be cool to answer a few questions that may have come to your mind because hello? It's a great idea for a post XD 1. How old are you? - I turn 15 in January 2016 :) 2. Do you prefer dressing up or going casual?/ Heels or Converse? - I'm all about the sweatshirt life but if there's a party I need to go to, you can be hella sure I'm gonna look fine af. And I love both, my Converse and my heels. WHOOP WHOOP! 3. Where do you live? - Chandigarh, India and proud of it. 4. Are you good at school? - Honours roll baby! (To put it simply, yes, I am) 5. Do you put on make up? - Um, almost never, (Just forget "almost". I don't think lip balm is considered as make up) 6. Do you have a boyfriend? - Nope. And I don't want/need one either. But that doesn't stop me from looking at sexy faces and appreciating them XD 7. Instagram or Snapchat? - Insta all the way! 8. ...