Are We In The Clear Yet?

I don't even know where I'm going with this to be honest but I feel like I need to write something or else I'll just sit in my corner eating ice cream and watching re runs of Pretty Little Liars. So the past couple of weeks, I've been going though the entire cycle of emotions. I start the day happy, then go into Yoda mode (preaching and shiz), then into this crazy fun chick, then into someone who thinks about every stupid thing she's ever done, then happy again and sometimes being an emotional wreck also finds it's way into the cycle. I don't know how this works but that's how almost every single day goes. I'm not complaining here because there is nothing to complain about. Everything is going my way, great friends (with the occasional ones who suck me into their mess), loving parents, and even school is hella good. But then why the hell am I just fine not hella good? Let me update you on what's been happening: ...