I'm Tired

Here's another poem for you!

I'm tired, to say the least
Facing big fat emotion with the face of a beast
Tired of falling for the wrong guy
Tired of imagining him in a spectacular suit and tie
Sometimes all I do is wake up, dreading the day ahead
Conversations racing through my mind, analyzing everything he said
Just seeing your name come up on my screen
And I wonder, with all the things on your mind, how did you think of me?
Does it really matter that he is from a different world?
"Never believe what you can't see" is what I'm told
Should I be affected by the texts and mails I get from him?
Because after all chances of actually being with him are really slim
I should just let it go, I know
But how can I when all I have is a phone number, not even a photo. 
"How can you be so stupid?" is what I ask myself everyday 
"Just don't fall too deep, or there'll be hell to pay."
They say "It's a small world after all"
From where I stand, it's huge; Both of us are tiny dots on this blue ball
Is it just me or can you fall for someone you haven't even met?
All I know is that I'm tired of it, and my heart is upset
I could just tell you that I really like you but then I'm lost
What if you don't want that? I don't want our friendship to be the cost 
I've known you for such a short span 
I think I'm going crazy, but liking you was not a part of the plan
I sound so cliche, but I have taken the first step twice before
Both of them ended in disaster, I don't want to do that, not anymore
So if you feel like you have a place in your heart for me,
Just say it, I've been waiting for an eternity
Because I'm tired, to say the least
Facing big fat emotion with the face of a beast.

Another try at poetry! Till next time, this is me signing off! XOXO

P.S. Happy 4th of July to all my American readers! 


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