Expanding Horizons

When I first realized that I wrote well was in 5th grade, when for the first time I got the maximum marks possible in the writing section. I was awestruck. I didn't think that something I wrote could be THAT good. Ever since then I have never got marks cut in my writing section other than the necessary 1/2 and sometimes not even that. If you're from Chandigarh, you'll know what I mean.

That's what brought me here, to this blog. I still remember that day. 30th August 2014, exactly one year ago. I had so much to say, but no one to say it too. I couldn't handle the thought of a diary which needs to be maintained properly so I thought of this. "The Not-So-Normal Gal" is my safe haven. My sanctuary. Most of you don't leave comments but PM me and they are so heart warming. I am so humbled to see so many of you taking from what you read here. I love the support you have always shown me.

I have received many compliments on my writing. The greatest was when I was placed 5th in the entire freaking country in a Scholastic Story Writing Competition. I was ecstatic. You can't even imagine my joy. I was utterly and completely happy. That's when it struck me, "Maybe I was meant to do this all along." (PM me if you want to read the competition story as well, I'll be happy to share it with you.)

And now, after all this time, I have made headway in a new story I'm writing. (On Wattpad) It's currently ongoing. I will let you know when it's completed. (I think you can go read it through this blog because I tried to link it a while ago. PM me and tell me if it works)It is about a girl who meets the love of her life online and flies halfway across the world to meet him and a whole lot of adventure (and heart break) that follows. I know, it's extremely unrealistic of me to think of such a plot but I like the thought of it possibly happening (even if it's a billion to one). So I guess that's all I've got for today. Happy Anniversary to this blog and to all of those who have stuck with me through it all! Love you guys <3

Till next time this is me, signing off! Ciao! XOXO


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