Monthly Favs #3

I kindda got bored of the headphones theme. So in it's place we have this. I'll give you 10 things I loved this month, be it songs, movies, books or whatever. So here goes.

1. (Book) The House I Loved by Tatiana De Rosnay

It's a beautiful book. It's about Paris in 1869, the entire city is being remodeled but one woman takes a stand. She refuses to leave her house which along with their whole street is to be razed down to make way for expressways. The book itself is a long letter to her dead husband telling him what was happening, the things she had bottled up for so long and how she won't let him down. 

I took me a while to get used to the format of it but once I got the hang of it, I read it pretty quickly. It's a beautiful book and a must read. 

2. (Music)  Rock Bottom by Hailee Steinfeld 

In this stupid world
We play hard with our plastic guns
Breathe deep, our only luck
So deep, until it’s all we got
Don’t speak, just use your touch
Don’t speak, before we say too much

You hate me now
And I feel the same way
You love me now
And I feel the same way
We scream and we shout
Make up the same day, same day

3. (Music) Pillowtalk by Zayn Malik 

(Um, I know the thumbnail isn't the most decent but the song isn't either. PG 13 bruh)

Pillow talk
My enemy, my ally
Then we're free, it's a thriller

I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure
Nobody but you, 'body but me, 'body but us
Bodies together
I'd love to hold you close, tonight and always
I'd love to wake up next to you...

4. (Movie) Wazir
Okay I'm not even going to try and explain it, just look it up on Wikipedia because it's freaking awesomesauce. A total 10/10. But It's in Hindi, so um, yeah. 

5. (Book) The Hit by David Baldacci

I've done a whole review on it a couple of weeks ago so be sure to check that out but basically it's a thriller about a government hit mat hired to go after another fellow assassin that has supposedly turned on her country, Be sure to give it a try, you'll not regret it.  

6. (Product) Scented Candles by HomeStore

OYMYGAWD DO THEY SMELL SO GOOD. The Vanilla one is my favourite, It smells of a drink my mom makes for me though, milk, butter, vanilla, cinnamon and all that good stuff. I'm totally in love with it. 

7. (Website) 

They have the best stuff ever (if bought from the right seller) and it's hella cheap. I've never been disappointed by the shipping. I got my high waisted jeans from there and boy they fit perfectly. Turns out they were original American Apparel so no surprise there. But all in all y'all should check it out. 

8. (YouTube Channel) JustTom

Tbh, he's one of the most real people out there. He isn't afraid to say stuff. Most of his videos are related to relationships and the do's and dont's of life but they are very true. As a girl, I can appreciate him being in your face. 

9. Buzzfeed in general 

*insert hysterical laughter here* 

10. (Psst... my OTP in real life is now a cannon so yay for that!)

And no, they're not famous. They're friends of mine :) 

So that's it for this month! Peace out

Till next time this is me signing off! Ciao!


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