Monthly Favs #4

Let's just get this done. I have Math Syllabus to start and complete for my final that's in 2 days. 

Will tbh, I haven't started using it yet. I'll use it after my finals are done. But I did start it up and check if it worked alright and it was frankly awesomesauce. I bought the Gionee Marathon M5 Lite for Rs 12K which is like 170 USD or something and it has a 3GB RAM, 32GB internal memory, SD card slot for upto 128GB, Res 1080x1920, HD recording, 8MP rear and 5MP front camera. And it's golden. Like what more can you ask for in such a reasonable price?

2. (Book) The Notebook
Yep. I finally read it. (HOW FREAKING LATE RIGHT?) I don't need to explain this other than it did inspire the post "Pages Of Our Lives" and it took me like 5 hours to read it.

3. (Book) Binge
Image result for binge tyler oakleyIt's the autobiography thing by Tyler Oakley (He slayssss btw) and it was one of the most fun books ever. It's not exactly insightful or anything but it's a great book if you wanna kill time and I have to warn you tho, only read this if you are Pro LGTB (which I am since I acquired the knowledge that one could love differently, which was around when I was 12) 
It's basically about his struggle of being at terms with the society and himself. 
It's a good read for those who can appreciate his sassiness and bluntness.If you're easily butthurt, don't pick this up. 

4. (Music) The 21 Project by Hunter Hayes 
(I mean the entire album.) I have all of his albums and this one doesn't disappoint in the slightest! My favourite songs out of all of em are 21 and Suitcase (Acoustic) Click on the song title above the lyric to listen!

"That's the way that we're doing it, doing it
We go big or we go back home
People looking at us like we're losing it, losing it
But, baby, we ain't doing nothing wrong
Gonna be up all night chasing the sunrise
Like we're wild and young. Baby, kids on the run
Gonna party like we just turned 21"

"So baby let's get away and make our escape
Really what else do we need
If the sky and the stars come free, yeah
I'm feeling rich off your million dollar kiss
If it ain't you baby they can have it
I don't want it if I can't pack it in a suitcase"

5. (Movie) Zootopia: 
FIRST OFF, IT WAS SO DARN CUTE! The story was great and gave a strong message that if you have enough will to do it, you can. Do check it out, it won't be a waste of time. Promise.
Image result for zootopia

Wikipedia - "Zootopia (known as Zootropolis in other countries) is a 2016 American 3D computer-animated action buddy comedy-dramaneo-noir adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 55th Disney animated feature film.The film details the unlikely partnership between a rabbit police officer and a red fox con artist as they uncover a conspiracy that involves missing predator civilians."

6. (App) SAT Vocabulary Flashcards: 
I've started to kinda prepare for the SATs which I know are 3 years away but I there was a weekend where I had literally had nothing to do so I decided to do something productive. It's a great way not only to prepare but if you don't want to give SATs, they still improve your vocab. So it's a win win. 
And It's free (Bonus!) Get The App Here

7. (TV show) Pretty Little Liars: the only thing I would like to say is, IT IS ON FIREEEE

8. Homemade donuts: 
(Eggless Ofc. I'm allergic) My mom and I made a batch a couple of days ago and ohmygawd they were so good. 

9. Plays: 
I have been going to ALOT of plays lately. I've found a new thing to be excited about! I went to see like 5 last month. One was a 2.5 hour story of poet Kalidas and his tragic lovestory, two were Punjabi comedies, one was an all children actor play about three hermits going to a town that sold everything at the same price and people only came out at night and one was about a dad that "runs" away from home. All in all, it was pretty fun. 

10. (Music) Nothing Stays The Same by Luke Sital-Singh: 
I first heard it on the series Red Band Society and it got stuck in my head. 

To cry your eyes out, fill your lungs up
We all hurt, we all lie
And nothing stays the same
Let your guard down, get your heart pounded
We all bleed, we all breathe
And nothing stays the same
We hold out for someday
And nothing stays the same
Listen here!

10.5. Red Band Society:
(Why 10.5? Because I wanted to mention it but 11 didn't seem appealing. I know. I'm weird.) 
Image result for red band society
It's the first show that was based on the patients of a hospital and not the doctors. It's only got 13 episodes because it got cancelled after the first season which I hate. It was such a good show! I binged watched it which is probably the only way to watch things in my world. Just please, do look it up and give it a try. I loved it and maybe you will too!

Till next time this is me signing off! xoxo 

And I know I haven't been posting as often and I doubt there will be an improvement on that note this month but I've got my finals so forgive me? Pretty please?


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