In No Particular Order (A series of short open letters)


You have no idea what you mean to me. You are not someone I've known all my life but I would like to. You being so far away is one of the toughest things because there are days where I wish I could hug you and tell you that it'll all be okay. If I had all the money in the world I'd fly to you all the time. You are my light, my strength. A voice of empathy and understanding. You have a heart of gold, my love. I can never imagine staying sane in the circumstances you have had to face. But you aren't only surviving, you're thriving, go off queen. I needn't go on for too long because I reiterate my love for you, time and time again. Just know that I'm here till it's dangerous for babies to go on jungle gyms.

Here's a song for you, it should bring back some memories


A true legend, you have opened my eyes to new perspectives and I have had so many fun and memorable moments with you, though they were super condensed. I never thought I would find myself at a drag show in a foreign country but you made it happen. I never thought I could form a bond so strong with someone I've known, physically, for such a short span of time but you made it happen. Your vibe is infectious and your energy is a breath of fresh air. If I had to pick someone to travel the world with, it would probably be you. The tears we shed when we parted that night when you had to fly back home were the most bitter sweet. I will never forget that night though we didn't do much except getting dinner. You are one of the most genuine, warm, wonderful people I know. I hope we never fall out of touch. I love you, I hope you know that. 

Here's a song for you, Rabbit Hole Arcade is waiting for us to come back someday.


The first people that come to mind when somoeone asks me who would I trust with my life. It's the two of you. I'm doing both you together because the things I want to say to the two of you are pretty much the same. I don't have alot I can put into words. Y'all mean the world to me. I wouldn't be who I am without you two. From being there for me when I was in the dumps to sharing the happiest moments with me. Listening to me talking complete nonsese about something that didn't even matter to hyping me up when I needed it. I hope you know how much I care about y'all. I wouldn't trade the world for the times we have shared together. Here's to ten years more. Or if life favours us, here's to forevermore. My family away from family. My ride or dies. My people. Beautiful, powerful women I get to call my best friends.  

Here's a song for y'all. It was the most beautiful day when we sang this together.


A background constant in my life for a few years now, you have proved to be a true friend. I'll go as far as to say, you're hella underrated. People need to appreciate you more. I know you have your demons and that you are going through a tough time in your life but you never fail to spread happiness regardless. I never knew that of all people, I would call you a friend after all these years. This was an unexpected plot twist wasnt it? Everyone changed, some for better, most for worse, but we stayed true to ourselves. I think it is our no-bullshit sincere outlook on life that helps us stay close. I hope I have been a good influence for you. I will be here for you, no matter the time of day. Hugs for you. I hope you get better real soon.

Here's a song for you, I will never not cry listening to this.


You're legit the only one I care about at college. I can really say I don't foward to seeing anyone else when I enter that building. Seeing you makes my day so much better. Your bubbly personality and carefree outlook on life is just what I need in my life when dealing with assignments and work. Eating in that dark canteen, drinking pepsi or eating cuppa noodles in an empty classroom, you are there to make things more bareable. I think what makes us stick together is the fact that we dislike almost everyone else lmfao. I hope we remain friends after we part ways in a year or so. Even if we don't, you'll be someone I remember with fondness. 

Here's a song for you, an ode to our shared love


I have a confession to make, I hope it isn't too heavy. I think about you when I'm anxious and my heart won't slow down. The thought of you is calming to me which is extremely ironic seeing our shred history. You will always have a soft spot in my heart. The change I've seen in you is commendable, I'm not kidding. Your self reflection makes me happy. I hope I have helped you in becoming a better perosn. You have been there for me even if you didn't have to be. You have listened to me though you had every reason not to. The look of hurt in your eyes back when I didn't talk to you for a while was a moment I will never forget because that was the first time I could see with my eyes that I meant something to someone. Thank you for that. I hope I see you name on huge billboards someday and I hope we're still close enough that I can text you a heartfelt congratulations. 

Here's a song for you, it's really random, but I hope you know why I put this here


We drifted apart and came back together multiple times. My earliest memories have you in them. We were so tiny. Though we were not mature enough to forge a strong friendship before I moved away, I find myself thinking of you and wishing you well all the time now. You are doing great things mj. You make me so proud. No matter how long we go without talking, when we do see each other, it's fun and natural. We understand each other quite well given the circumstances and honestly, that's surprising to me. I hope we only grow closer in the future. See you soon, safe voyages. 

Here's a song for you, you will be vv emo after lisetning to this.


I will never forget how you loved what I baked and how you would eat all my leftovers in the bus. We have had so many fun times coming back home from school. Teaching you was a pleasure. It was actually that one hour every morning that made me realize that I could teach well. I know you didn't really care for acadmics but tried doing good because you thought I would be disappointed if you didn't try even after I told you everything important. You are a good person, and that is the best compliment if you ask me. Your heart is free of malice and that is why I am glad I kept you close. You are going to achieve great heights, mark my words. Love you :) 

Here's a song for you, I remember you being blown away by the production of it.


I will not stay here long because it was only recently that I told you how I felt about you and our friendship. I keep reminding you how much I love you, maybe a little too frequently. You're beautiful and your empathy had touched my soul. Thank you for fighting for me when I had no one. I will never be able to repay you for it. Maybe you're tired of listening to this over and over but yeah. You already know everything there is ot say so I'll finish with this; I hope all the love in the world finds you. 사랑해.

Here's a song for you.


I have known you 5+ years now and your creativity never fails to amaze me. Though we have never really met, I know that it would be an amazing time if we do. You have been a constant force in my life. A friend when I needed on and a distraction when I couldn't articulate my thoughts. Your work ethic and dedication is something I will always appreciate. Yout groeth over the years is drastic, not only as an artist but as a person too. You are a pure soul, and a confidant. It makes me happy when you ask for my inputs and opinions on your creations. I hope that I have been able to help you on your journey one way or another. I wish that you go on to share your art with the entire world. And when that happens, I hope that I get a front row seat.

Here's a song for you, it's one of my favourite albums to this date and you introduced me to it.


To everyone else I keep close and couldn't find a letter addressed to you, it doesn't imply that you mean any less to me. Maybe we dont have enough memories together or maybe we keep flowing in and out of each other's lives or perhaps you're really new here, in this sunflower garden. To you I say, you are appreciated. You are important and you are always welcome in my world. 


with love and affection 



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